Sugar on the floor and mayhem in the nursery - I just could not take that responsibility. Publisher Gerhard Bonnier on refusing Pippi Longstocking

I am quite amazed/bewildered by publishers these days, the struggle of writers who have worked so hard on their book, only for it to be rejected OR not even bother to reply. I remember the fatal mistake Bonniers made when they rejected Astrid lindgrens Pippi Longstocking! and I quote "Sugar on the floor and mayhem in the nursery" - I just could not take that responsibility. Publisher Gerhard Bonnier on refusing Pippi Longstocking It has nothing to do with the content of the books..I read many Indie pubs which are amazing! I think its good to give ALL books a chance.. All genres a chance...
I love Astrid Lindrens writings and thank the lord for the insight of Raben och sjogren to take on board these wonderful stories.
So I say to you all..Keep the faith in yourself..If you get rejected, and do not want to wait go on your own. Indie publishers have a huge network with some great works out there.


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