The Mirena coil...IUD................Lower back pain

Many years ago I have a morena coil fitted, I had no issues at all... then a few years on I had an horendous low back ach for a few days then it went. Over the pasy year it flared up again, I could not walk, the most dehabilitating pain ever. Then 4 weeks ago I had the coil removed a simple and painless procedure... And viola! two days later my back pain subsided! the intense crunshing pain has subsided treamendously! The technical stuff... Mirena is a hormonal intrauterine device, or IUD, that can be used for long-term birth control and to treat heavy periods. Mirena IUDs work to prevent pregnancy by thickening the mucus in the cervix, which stops sperm from fertilizing an egg, and thinning the lining of the uterus, which suppresses menstrual bleeding. More from


  1. Im just about to have mine out, been a nightmare with back ache.

    1. It helps I can tell you... Good luck with the pain...


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