Cassandra And they all fall down, 1st review :)

Review Rating: 5 stars! Reviewed By Jack Magnus for Readers’ Favorite Cassandra: And They All Fall Down is a dark coming of age novel written by Julie Hodgson. Cassandra was almost sixteen years old when her doctor said he thought she could stop taking her ADD medication. She had been taking it since she was six years old, ever since she attacked and seriously injured another classmate. It was something she had learned to live with, the medication and the guilt and confusion over what had happened all those years ago. Braydon Taylor was a cruel and twisted child who enjoyed making the other kids suffer. One day, when the class was on a field trip to a farm, which was made hellish by the extreme heat, Braydon went just a bit too far in his persecution of Jakey, a smaller boy. He had gotten other children on the bus to sing a nasty song about Jakey, and then he'd proceeded to strip his clothes off and steal his money while his classmates were all watching. Then, when they'd finally reached the farm, Jakey went missing. Braydon had locked him into the chicken coop and refused to say a word -- that is, until Cassandra rushed at him and began to attack. Even after Braydon revealed what he had done, Cassandra continued her assault until she broke it off to rescue Jakey. To finally be free of the medication was both a heady experience and a troubling one. Cassandra felt different; a difference that seemed more substantial than merely a withdrawal from a drug. Her senses were heightened, and she could run like the wind. Julie Hodgson, in her dark coming of age tale, Cassandra, examines concepts such as vengeance, vigilantism and redemption. Her Cassandra is a sympathetic character whom this reader couldn't help but begin to care about. While she's coming to grips with the inexplicable changes going on in her body and mind, she's also found true love in the most unexpected place, and it's marvelous to see how it transforms her. Hodgson's tale is an absorbing one; a psychological thriller that kept me guessing until the last page. Her characters are marvelous, and the plot is intricate and clever. Cassandra: And They All Fall Down is most highly recommended. You can buy this book on kindle or print from Amazon.


  1. This was a superb read, so bloody scary, but with real Teen issues too. Loved Leo! /Sally


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