
It seems rife over the whole world in every aspect of our lives, through our blogg comments or youtube or anything that people comment on its so hateful these days????

People say "why is this person like this , she is sad" or "he is not a man" or just anything to cause upset to another person..

It infuriates me that people are so cruel and open their traps before thinking, judging before assessing the situation...

When Jade Goody died the comments on youTube were appalling! most of them from the Uk sadly..I know the morals of many people in the Uk have gone down hill or are non existent..

If everyone stopped this bullying/haranguing the world would be a more pleasant place to live in, don't you think...

Think before you comment on something..think of how you might feel if it happened to you, think before you comment, so you do not cause upset....

THINK. be wise..and live happier...being negative is not good for your health...


  1. all too often there are folk that think they are so special they can open their mouths and spout out bad things without any effort at all.


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